Procter & Gamble // Apovoice

Procter & Gamble // Apovoice

What is Procter & Gamble?

P&G was founded in 1837 by two immigrants, William Procter and James Gamble, in Cincinnati, Ohio. The company is still headquartered there today. P&G has been active in Germany since 1960, and is now the largest location outside the USA, in Austria since 1967 and in Switzerland since 1953.

What is Apovoice?

Apovoice is an exclusive community for selected pharmacy professionals. As soon as you are registered, you can expect valuable information, specially designed e-trainings, current developments & news as well as surveys in which participation is rewarded with great prizes. Join in, register – and look forward to even better support in your daily work.

What did I do?

I develop the platform around Apovoice. I create new features on customer request, redesign and maintain front- and backend. The frontend is built in Vue.js and Tailwind. The backend runs on WordPress (PHP).


Development environment:

Backend: PHP (WordPress), Docker
Frontend: JavaScript (Vue), CSS (Tailwind), Docker
Azure Cloud